Professional Coaching Consultants


Charlotte Addison Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Understanding the root causes of your emotions and how to use them can help you to effectively identify who you are, what and why you do what you do, and how you interact with others.

EACC 360-Degree Assessment

The EACC 360-degree assessment collects qualitative and quantitative data from multiple subjective sources to give you feedback surrounding your leadership capabilities in various areas.

ConVans Leadership Styles Inventory

What is a Leadership Style and what value does a style inventory provide? Think of a Style as a pattern of observable and predictable behavior and how it affects a person’s ability to lead effectively.

Flexible Feedback Tools for Organizational Success

The Institute for Applied Development designs and administers assessments for educational, government, business, and religious organizations of all sizes. Our assessment approach is grounded on a facilitation model utilizing a step-by-step resource guide accompanying each assessment instrument to guide and coach the learning and application process.

Our assessments are designed to recognize different learning styles and experiences of individuals.